Book chapters and Journal Articles

  • Krishna, Anirudh & Sujeet Kumar (2024). “Social Mobility and Opportunity in India: A Review of the Academic Literature” Economic and Political Weekly, Vol LIX, NO 51
  • Krishna, Anirudh & Sujeet Kumar (2023). “Why Do Poorer Kids Not Move Ahead Faster?” Economic and Political Weekly, Vol LVIII, NO 19
  • Krishna, Anirudh, Sujeet Kumar, & Emily Rains (2023). “A Range of Informality Across Cities and Slums: Understanding Precarity in Patna’s Slums Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of South Asian Development, DOI: 10.1177/0973174123115570.
  • Kumar, Sujeet & A. Malathi (2022). “Law and Governance: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic, in Social Work in Emergencies, Zubair Meenai and Archana Dassi (eds.), London: Bloomsbury.
  • Kumar, Sujeet (2020). “Forest Rights Act Enables State Control of Land and Denies Most Adivasis and Forest Dwellers Land Rights.” Economic and Political Weekly, 55, No. 6.
  • Kumar, Sujeet (2017). “Urbanization and Slum Dwellers: A Study of NGOs in Delhi’s Slums.” Emerging Challenges of Globalization and Development, Surinder Kumar, and Fahimuddin (eds.), New Delhi: Rawat Publication.
  • Kumar, Sujeet (2016). “Public Participation and Role of NGOs: A Study of Delhi’s Slums.” Public Participation in Planning in India, Ashok Kumar, and Poonam Prakash (eds.), Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Kumar, Sujeet (2016). “Politics of Funding: Interface of NGOs and CSR Provision in India.” Corporate Social Responsibility: Quest for Socio-Economic Transformation, Ranjit Singh Ghuman, and Rajiv Sharma (eds.), Chandigarh: CRRID.

Book Reviews 

Other Writing/op-ed